Romantic nostalgia and emotional expressions are parts of any political movements. Listen to Bella Ciao...and read the history of this song!
English Translation:
One morning I awakened
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
One morning I awakened
And I found the invader
Oh partisan carry me away
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
Oh partisan carry me away
Because I feel death is approaching
And if I die as a partisan
(And if I die on the mountain)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
And if I die as a partisan
(And if I die on the mountain)
Then you must bury me
Bury me up in the mountain
(And you have to bury me)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Let’s go "Iranian" on him!!

The word "Iran" has become a "verb" in a New York City high school!
Today I received this email. I do not know who the teacher or the sender is! But I found it interesting.
"I teach at a NYC high school, and recently one student stood up to our very intimidating principal, (something that almost never happens). When he did not get permission for what he intended another student said “Let’s go Iranian on him.” By that he meant organize a protest. And so now they “IRAN” means anything they want to change. So it has become a verb now and to “Iran” the situation is to stand up to authority, well at least here in this corner of the universe. And it is a huge bonus for me because I cannot usually get them to even pay attention to another part of the world.
Point being, even these students who get very small amounts of news equate “Iranian” with bravery and I completely agree, and wish I had that kind of intestinal fortitude.
You have our greatest admiration and respect!"
Monday, July 27, 2009
Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran, and Prometheus!

I was one of the speakers in Global Day of Action for human rights in Iran at Federal Plaza in Chicago. Here is my talk and poetry reading in Persian.
"In 1905, my grandfather was active in the Constitutional Revolution, with enormous hope for a free Iran. Although the revolution was defeated in 1911, he told my father –when he was young--: “Be always vigilant on the political strategies!”
In 1951, my father was active in the Democratic Movement, with enormous hope for a free Iran. When Dr. Mossadegh’s government was overthrown by the American Coup d'état, my father told me: “Be like Prometheus, the fire giver, the defender of human kind who stole fire/knowledge from Zeus to give to mortals. But be aware of Zeus, the god of gods!”
In 1979, I was active in the revolution, with enormous hope for a free Iran. But when the revolution purged many of its most loyal supporters, I was punished for spreading enlightenment. For this crime a giant eagle tore apart my chest and ate my heart every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. I told my son: “One century has passed. We’re still searching for freedom. And eagles are still hovering over our head! Learn from history. Learn from your great grandfather, your grandfather, and your mother!”
In 1979 I was among the protesters, today I only watch them from afar with enormous hope for a free Iran!
The world has finally noticed the true face of Iranian freedom seekers. And I whisper quietly: “Stay united. Don’t fall into factionalism. Resist foreign interference. And learn from the past in order to change the future.”
Read my poem "Breathing" in Persian.
هم آبم هم آتش
هم از جنس بادم هم از جنس خاک
هم از جنس غربت هم از جنس فرقت هم از جنس دوست
هم از استخوانم هم از خون و پوست
عصب در عصب بافته چون عشقه
ستون در ستون بیستون چل ستون در تنیده
روانم چو رود و توانم چو کوه و خروشان چو آتشفشانم
درخشانم از کوشش نور و از جوشش شور و از رویش یک تنفس
تنفس تنفس تنفس تنفس
Read my article "If the world says I'm Iranian!" in Persian.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
There Are No Real Virgins in Tehran

"Sexual Politics in Modern Iran" is a new book by Iranian author Janet Afary. This book "focuses on gender and sexuality and draws on her experience of growing up in Iran and her involvement with Iranian women of different ages and social strata. These observations, and a wealth of historical documents, form the kernel of this book, which charts the history of the nation’s sexual revolution from the nineteenth century to today."
Read this written dialogue between Janet Afary and Egyptian writer Nawal El Saadawi.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What a Wonderful World!
Is it really wonderful?
My dear Louis Armstrong, you had known the depth of sadness when you composed this song! You created a world of beauty, serenity, fulfillment with your enchanting voice!
Let's listen to it to remember you and The Little Prince!
"One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset forty-four times!"
And a little later you added:
"You know--one loves the sunset, when one is so sad . . ."
My dear Louis Armstrong, you had known the depth of sadness when you composed this song! You created a world of beauty, serenity, fulfillment with your enchanting voice!
Let's listen to it to remember you and The Little Prince!
"One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset forty-four times!"
And a little later you added:
"You know--one loves the sunset, when one is so sad . . ."
Mass Grave in Afghanistan

This is the only picture of the Dasht-e-Leili mass grave cleared by the United Nations and Physicians for Human Rights. Typically, PHR does not publish autopsy photos.
Listen to this interview on horrific massacre in Afghanistan in Fresh Air.
"In 2001, shortly after the American invasion of Afghanistan, hundreds or possibly thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda prisoners surrendered to Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, an Afghan warlord on the payroll of the C.I.A.
Over the course of three days, the captured prisoners were allegedly packed into shipping containers without food or water. Many suffocated, while others were reportedly shot by guards.
The mass grave has never been fully exhumed, and human rights groups allege that the Bush administration discouraged investigation of the matter, even after the urging of officials from the F.B.I., the State Department and the Red Cross.
Dr. Jennifer Leaning, Nathaniel Raymond and Dr. Nizam Peerwani of Physicians for Human Rights discuss their investigation of the alleged massacre and how the Obama administration is dealing with the issue."

Nathaniel Raymond (L) has been leading the investigation into the alleged 2001 Dasht-e-Leili massacre in Afghanistan. Dr. Jennifer Leaning (R) discovered the mass grave of Taliban prisoners. Both work with the organization Physicians for Human Rights.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
To the Memory of My Father: Dr. Goushegir
Some years ago, my sister Azam wrote a very touching piece in the memory of my father in her blog. I have had always an urge to write about him. Perhaps this is the time!

My Sister Azam Houle
An article is also written by Najmeh Fakhraie on the political upheaval in Dezul in 1951. I do not agree with some of the author's Perspective, but it revived the precious memories I had from my father. It also arose my immense respect for him as a remarkable father, responsible physician and political leader and a unique human being.
"...Alongside them, a young, ambitious, brilliant doctor is there to greet him. One of the first doctors in his city to graduate from the University of Tehran and the son of a
much-respected local clergyman, he is nothing short of a god in their eyes. His popularity soared a year back when Dr. Shams, a well-known physician and professor at the University of Tehran traveled to Dezful to try and find a cure for an outbreak of trachoma -- a major cause of blindness in Asia.
In the town mosque, as Shams is giving a speech, the young doctor, Gooshehgir, stands up and in the captivating, stunning voice that was his mark to fame, reveals the true reasons for the spreading disease: no sewage system, no electricity, no running water, no hospitals. His town has been neglected and misused by the rich minority "khans" and this problem - like so many others - is their fault. " Read more

My Sister Azam Houle
An article is also written by Najmeh Fakhraie on the political upheaval in Dezul in 1951. I do not agree with some of the author's Perspective, but it revived the precious memories I had from my father. It also arose my immense respect for him as a remarkable father, responsible physician and political leader and a unique human being.
"...Alongside them, a young, ambitious, brilliant doctor is there to greet him. One of the first doctors in his city to graduate from the University of Tehran and the son of a
much-respected local clergyman, he is nothing short of a god in their eyes. His popularity soared a year back when Dr. Shams, a well-known physician and professor at the University of Tehran traveled to Dezful to try and find a cure for an outbreak of trachoma -- a major cause of blindness in Asia.
In the town mosque, as Shams is giving a speech, the young doctor, Gooshehgir, stands up and in the captivating, stunning voice that was his mark to fame, reveals the true reasons for the spreading disease: no sewage system, no electricity, no running water, no hospitals. His town has been neglected and misused by the rich minority "khans" and this problem - like so many others - is their fault. " Read more
"I'm a Black Man in Ameica"

The prominent Harvard African-American professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested at his home.
Read students and faculty's perspective on culture of prejudice and offensive treatments.
Read Amy Goodman's article On Professor Gates'
The Duel

Listen to Tariq Ali, the noted Pakistani-British writer and historian in Worldview,Chicago Public Radio.
Tariq Ali, for decades has written about Pakistan's tumultuous politics and unique role in the geopolitical landscape. In his book The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight of American Power, he unflinchingly examines Pakistan's complicated and contradictory relationship with the United States.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Angela's Ashes' Author Frank McCourt Dies

Born in Brooklyn, Frank McCourt, the Irish-American writer accompanied his parents to Limerick, Ireland, at the age of 4 where they lived in utter poverty. These early experiences informed his prize-winning memoir Angela's Ashes, which later became a feature film. Read more in Fresh Air
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A Picture

A note from the Photographer (Niki Koohpaima):
Iranian woman have been in the forefront of the uprising , demanding their rights walking shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and paying a heavy price.
I pay homage to them in my latest project; it's a way for me to join their calls for freedom. We do not want to forget their courage!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Masoud Hashem Zadeh
Tomorrow! Friday Surprise in Iran
Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the second most powerful man in Iran, is delivering the Friday Sermon in Tehran. Will it be the end of the protests, or a new challenge to the regime? Read More...
Read this article in Akhbar-rooz.(in Persian)
Read this article in Akhbar-rooz.(in Persian)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Taraneh Mousavi
Taraneh Mousavi's family finally found her, but she wastortured, burned. She was dead! She was arrested three weeks ago in one of the silent demonstrations in Tehran!Today they found her body smashed like Doa Khalil Aswad's...
It is said that Taraneh (means lyrics, song)was repeatedly raped by prison officials.
For Freedom!

We grow up with this word, we dream this word, we live this word, yet each time we'd define waht freedom means to us.
Yaghoub Barvayeh, 27, from Ahvaz, student of theatre for master degree at Tehran University, was shot on in the head on June 25 by forces of the paramilitary Bassij.He died in July 1st.
He uttered his last words before he passed away: "Mom, I'm dying for Freedom!"
Read more in Mothers of Laleh website.
Listen to journalist Roger Cohen who stayed in Iran to cover the post-presidential election protests, in Fresh Air.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
“The truth is not the truth”

by Helena Parente Cunha
Translated By Fred P. Ellison (Author), Naomi Lindstrom (Author)
Reviewed By Ezzat Goushegir
Woman Between Mirrors by Helena Parente Cunha the Brazilian novelist, feels as close and intimate to me as if I were the author of this book, virtually writing it in my own rhythm and style, with my own words, voice and breath.
Although it derives from feminist schools of thought of the 80s and 90s, I believe this is a novel for all times. Like Clarice Lispector, the prominent Brazilian writer, Cunha is in search of identity. Cunha not only emphasizes Brazilian national identity and its historical and mythological relation to Africa, but also in the discovery of “self”, the physical space of the body and the exploration of womanhood.
The novel consists of a long first person monologue narrated by a house wife from the upper middle class family. Using a psychoanalytical perspective, she explores how the process of sexual and intellectual awakening, transforms her into an independent, liberated woman and an author.
One of the devices of this novel is the protagonist’s relationship to the author who is separated from herself. She constantly scrutinizes this “woman who writes me” often in a critical dynamic way including analyzing her as “a slave to liberation”. This labyrinthine relationship goes beyond the conventional relationship between the author and her character. In fact the narrator tries to convince us that the protagonist is more perceptive than the author, and she revolts the author’s one dimensionality. “She’s as much a prisoner as I am. Being free by needing to undermine standards is the same as being a slave. She is a slave to liberation. My submission liberates me.” (p. 9)
The narrator then explains that “Each thing has many sides, each person has many voices…and that way we know the truth is not the truth.” (p. 15)
At the end of the this multi-layered, multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary novel, a thunderstorm shatters the mirror into a thousand pieces and the narrator sees her entire face in a shard of glass. Her face is as complex and blurred as the Jorge Luis Borges’ character in “The Aleph” and Fernando Pessoa’s multiple personalities.
This enigmatic novel succeeds at revealing the complexity and ambiguity of the human mind.
An Indelible Picture of Human tragedy

by Adelbert Von Chamisso (Author), Peter Wortsman (Translator)
Reviewed By Ezzat Goushegir
It began with my exploration of the word "Schlemiel"! For its personification of human identity and for its designation of those who are unfortunate and succeed nothing in life. That's how I came across to read Peter Schlemiel. But the book gave me a broader perspective of the place of a human being in this world.
Dreaming of self improvement Peter Schemiel sells his shadow to a mysterious stranger in a gray coat in exchange for a purse that contains boundless wealth. Lacking a shadow he has no place in society. Helplessly he wanders around the world in search of knowledge and spiritual sanctuary to give meaning to his life.
Adelbert Von Chamisso has profoundly experienced dualism in his life as a displaced person and had a tireless wrestling identifying himself within two countries, two cultures and two languages. Peter Schlemiel is the creative result of his deep understanding of fractured lives.
Peter Schlemiel can be equivalent to Georg Buchner's Woyzeck, Kafka's Gregor in Metamorphosis and Dostoyevsky's Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. This is a timeless book for its illustration of a society in which wealth, power and torture governs. The mysterious man in gray coat symbolizes Evil which suggests those decadent forces who for the sake of power, use their greedy cynicism to terrorize people and ultimately conquer their souls and ruin them for the rest of their lives.
Chamisso portrays the quality of elite society of his time from one of his character's point of view:
"Frankly," he maintained, "anyone who isn't worth at least a million is nothing but- if you forgive the term- a sniveling worm." (P2)
The theme of this book is immensely relevant to today's world politics. The interpersonal structure that Chamisso explains, illuminates a wide range of human interaction from social relation to Geo-politics in which new colonialism degrades developing nation. The result is isolation, marginalization, exile and misery.
Although it is a novel, it has certain qualities of dark allegory similar to Brothers Grimm's folktales. It presents an unforgettable picture of displacement, estrangement, incongruity and human misery.
Monday, July 13, 2009
"The Tyrant and the Parrot"

By Kaveh Ahangar Adel
"I have been reading the book The Rich Merchant and the Parrot(based on a poem by Rumi, the Persian Poet) And at the end of the book I always ask my son: " So, what mattered the most to the parrot? " and He responds ...every time: " To be Free" age 4... There is wisdom in those three words uttered by a 4 year old...that even he can understand the most basic human need. I am proud of him..... and more so I am proud of anyone(especially the brave Iranian brothers and sisters) demonstrating for that basic right. I call this one "The Tyrant and the Parrot""
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Health Care Program on Public TV
Last Friday Bill Moyers Journal produced a program on Health Care in The U.S. It was not aired on the Public Television in Chicago. Instead the station showed a rerun of one of Bill Moyers' previous programs.
Read, watch and listen to this interview:
WENDELL POTTER: The industry has always tried to make Americans think that government-run systems are the worst thing that could possibly happen to them, that if you even consider that, you're heading down on the slippery slope towards socialism. So they have used scare tactics for years and years and years, to keep that from happening. If there were a broader program like our Medicare program, it could potentially reduce the profits of these big companies. So that is their biggest concern.
BILL MOYERS: And there was a political strategy. "Position Sicko as a threat to Democrats' larger agenda." What does that mean?
WENDELL POTTER: That means that part of the effort to discredit this film was to use lobbyists and their own staff to go onto Capitol Hill and say, "Look, you don't want to believe this movie. You don't want to talk about it. You don't want to endorse it. And if you do, we can make things tough for you."
WENDELL POTTER: By running ads, commercials in your home district when you're running for reelection, not contributing to your campaigns again, or contributing to your competitor.
BILL MOYERS: This is fascinating. You know, "Build awareness among centrist Democratic policy organizations--"
BILL MOYERS: "--including the Democratic Leadership Council."
BILL MOYERS: Then it says, "Message to Democratic insiders. Embracing Moore is one-way ticket back to minority party status."
BILL MOYERS: Now, that's exactly what they did, didn't they? They--
BILL MOYERS: --radicalized Moore, so that his message was discredited because the messenger was seen to be radical.
WENDELL POTTER: Absolutely. In memos that would go back within the industry — he was never, by the way, mentioned by name in any memos, because we didn't want to inadvertently write something that would wind up in his hands. So the memos would usually-- the subject line would be-- the emails would be, "Hollywood." And as we would do the media training, we would always have someone refer to him as Hollywood entertainer or Hollywood moviemaker Michael Moore.
WENDELL POTTER: Well, just to--
Read, watch and listen to this interview:
WENDELL POTTER: The industry has always tried to make Americans think that government-run systems are the worst thing that could possibly happen to them, that if you even consider that, you're heading down on the slippery slope towards socialism. So they have used scare tactics for years and years and years, to keep that from happening. If there were a broader program like our Medicare program, it could potentially reduce the profits of these big companies. So that is their biggest concern.
BILL MOYERS: And there was a political strategy. "Position Sicko as a threat to Democrats' larger agenda." What does that mean?
WENDELL POTTER: That means that part of the effort to discredit this film was to use lobbyists and their own staff to go onto Capitol Hill and say, "Look, you don't want to believe this movie. You don't want to talk about it. You don't want to endorse it. And if you do, we can make things tough for you."
WENDELL POTTER: By running ads, commercials in your home district when you're running for reelection, not contributing to your campaigns again, or contributing to your competitor.
BILL MOYERS: This is fascinating. You know, "Build awareness among centrist Democratic policy organizations--"
BILL MOYERS: "--including the Democratic Leadership Council."
BILL MOYERS: Then it says, "Message to Democratic insiders. Embracing Moore is one-way ticket back to minority party status."
BILL MOYERS: Now, that's exactly what they did, didn't they? They--
BILL MOYERS: --radicalized Moore, so that his message was discredited because the messenger was seen to be radical.
WENDELL POTTER: Absolutely. In memos that would go back within the industry — he was never, by the way, mentioned by name in any memos, because we didn't want to inadvertently write something that would wind up in his hands. So the memos would usually-- the subject line would be-- the emails would be, "Hollywood." And as we would do the media training, we would always have someone refer to him as Hollywood entertainer or Hollywood moviemaker Michael Moore.
WENDELL POTTER: Well, just to--
Saturday, July 11, 2009
An Enemy of the People

In the course of my conversation and debates over Iran with my long time great friend "A", I remembered Henrik Ibsen's play An Enemy of the People. I respect her political knowledge and humanitarian tendencies and believe in most of her facts and reasons. But our views about the reality of the situation is different. Is she another Dr. Stockmann?
An Enemy of the People addresses the irrational tendencies of the masses, and the hypocritical and corrupt nature of the political system that they support. It is the story of one man's brave struggle to do the right thing and speak the truth in the face of extreme social intolerance. The play's protagonist, Dr Stockmann, represents the playwright's own voice.
Friday, July 10, 2009

The Tomb of Daniel

Read an insightful memory of Shavadoon in Pedestrian.
A website about "Dezful" one of the oldest city in Iran.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
July 9, 2009 Tehran
Watch the latest Video Reports on Iranian Anti-Government Movements in Tehran. They call it Green Revolution.

Listen to Joseph O'Neill on his book Netherland on Fresh Air.
Netherland's protagonist is Hans van den Broek, a Dutch oil futures analyst. After his wife leaves him — and New York City itself — in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, van den Broek befriends Chuck Ramkissoon, a Trinidadian immigrant with grand schemes of converting an abandoned Brooklyn park into a brand new cricket pitch.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The History of Iran's Revolutionary Gaurds

Listen to Afshon Ostovar on The history of Iran's Revolutionary Gaurds on Worldview, Chicago Public Radio.
Afshon Ostovar is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History at the University of Michigan. His dissertation is on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards. He explains how the role of the Guards has evolved over time.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Email received from Shirin Ebadi
ALERT --Email received from Shirin Ebadi/Amnesty International
On July 25th, millions of people will gather in cities around the world to offer public support to the people working for democracy in Iran.
The inauguration of Ahmadinejad will take place sometime between July 26th and August 19th. July 25th was chosen to give voice to the millions who believe that this inauguration is based on a fraudulent election.
Please join us and let your readers know about this event.
Here is a link to site that describes more about July 25th
Thank you for your support.
July 25th event co-sponsors:
Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate
Karim Lahidji Iranian League for Defense of Human Rights (LDDHI)
Hadi Ghaemi , International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
Amnesty International USA
Omid Advocates for Human Rights
On July 25th, millions of people will gather in cities around the world to offer public support to the people working for democracy in Iran.
The inauguration of Ahmadinejad will take place sometime between July 26th and August 19th. July 25th was chosen to give voice to the millions who believe that this inauguration is based on a fraudulent election.
Please join us and let your readers know about this event.
Here is a link to site that describes more about July 25th
Thank you for your support.
July 25th event co-sponsors:
Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate
Karim Lahidji Iranian League for Defense of Human Rights (LDDHI)
Hadi Ghaemi , International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
Amnesty International USA
Omid Advocates for Human Rights
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Solution (5)
Photos for Peace
“The TREE needs water.”
Read an excerpt of Bertolt Brecht’s “Caucasian Chalk Circle”, and think about a helpful solution in Iran.
Azdak: Now place the child in the center. Stand near the circle, both of you. Now each of you take the child by one hand. The true mother is she who can pull the child out of the circle.
The Second Lawyer: High court of Justice, I object! The fate of the great Abashwili estates, which are tied to the child, as the heir, should not be made dependent on such a doubtful duel. In addition, my client does not command the strength of this person, who is accustomed to physical work.
Azdak: She looks pretty well fed to me. Pull!
(The Governor’s wife pulls the CHILD out of the circle on her side; Grusha has let go and stands aghast)
Azdak: What’s the matter with you? You didn’t pull!
Grusha: I didn’t hold on to him.
The First Lawyer: (Congratulating the Governor’s wife). What did I say! The ties of blood!
Grusha: (Running to Azdak) Your honor, I take back everything I said against you. I ask your forgiveness. But could I keep him till he can speak all the words? He knows a few.
Azdak: Don’t influence the court. I bet you only know about twenty words yourself, All right, I’ll make the test once more, just to be certain.
(The two women take up their positions again)
Azdak: Pull!
(Again Grusha let go of the CHILD)
Grusha : (In despair) I brought him up! Shall I also tear him to pieces? I can’t!
Azdak: (Rising) And in this manner the Court has established the true mother. (To Grusha) Take your child and be off.
The Solution (4)
Some believe that the constructive dialogue between Supreme leader and the opposition leaders will bring a solution to Iran's coflict.
I received this email Yesterday:
Brief Introduction
Since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner in the June 12 elections in Iran, there have been widespread protests against the contested election results. The Iranian authorities have responded with violence and repression. Reports indicate that large numbers of people were severely beaten by riot police and that several people have been fatally shot Furthermore, over 100 people are reported to have been arrested, including the brother of former President Mohammad Khatami. Amnesty International is concerned that those detained may be subjected to torture and ill-treatment. The Iranian authorities have attempted to stop the flow of information both among Iranians and from Iranians to those outside by blocking cell phone communication, text messaging and email. Amnesty International is also concerned that the protests, which have already drawn massive crowds in Tehran and other cities in Iran, may be met with increased levels of violence by Iranian authorities. AI calls for the authorities to exercise restraint in response to further demonstrations and to release all those who have been detained for peacefully expressing their opinions about the results of the election. It also calls for an end to restrictions on the right to freedom of expression and association, including the freedom to receive and impart information and ides.
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‗Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
via website: (English)
Minister of the Interior
Sadegh Mahsouli
Ministry of the Interior
Dr Fatemi Avenue
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 21 8 896 203
+98 21 8 899 547
+98 21 6 650 203
Salutation: Your Excellency
Subject lines for sample letter:
1. Stop the use of excessive violence in responding to demonstrations
2. Release those detained for peacefully opposing the election results
3. Allow freedom of expression and association for those protesting the results of the elections in Iran
Sample Letter:
Your Excellency,
I am writing to you to express my concern over the use of violence by security forces responding to protests over the election results following the 12 June elections in Iran. Large numbers of people have been severely beaten by riot police on motorcycles who wield truncheons and night sticks. Furthermore, up to five students at Tehran University were reportedly shot dead on Sunday 14 June and another person was reportedly shot when security agents opened fire on a demonstration on behalf of Mir Hossein Mousavi on 15 June. Several other people were injured by gunfire.
I am also concerned that at least 170 people have been detained by authorities since 12 June, including the brother of former President Mohammad Khatami. Furthermore, the Iranian authorities have attempted to prevent the flow of information by blocking cell phone, text messaging, email and web sites.
I urge you to insure that security agents will exercise restraint in the use of lethal force to respond to protests, and to refrain from beating people for exercising their right to freedom of expression and association. I also urge that those detained for peacefully expressing their opposition to the election results be released. I finally urge you not to restrict the right to freedom of expression and association, by permitting peaceful public protests and by not interfering with communications.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I received this email Yesterday:
Brief Introduction
Since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner in the June 12 elections in Iran, there have been widespread protests against the contested election results. The Iranian authorities have responded with violence and repression. Reports indicate that large numbers of people were severely beaten by riot police and that several people have been fatally shot Furthermore, over 100 people are reported to have been arrested, including the brother of former President Mohammad Khatami. Amnesty International is concerned that those detained may be subjected to torture and ill-treatment. The Iranian authorities have attempted to stop the flow of information both among Iranians and from Iranians to those outside by blocking cell phone communication, text messaging and email. Amnesty International is also concerned that the protests, which have already drawn massive crowds in Tehran and other cities in Iran, may be met with increased levels of violence by Iranian authorities. AI calls for the authorities to exercise restraint in response to further demonstrations and to release all those who have been detained for peacefully expressing their opinions about the results of the election. It also calls for an end to restrictions on the right to freedom of expression and association, including the freedom to receive and impart information and ides.
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‗Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
via website: (English)
Minister of the Interior
Sadegh Mahsouli
Ministry of the Interior
Dr Fatemi Avenue
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 21 8 896 203
+98 21 8 899 547
+98 21 6 650 203
Salutation: Your Excellency
Subject lines for sample letter:
1. Stop the use of excessive violence in responding to demonstrations
2. Release those detained for peacefully opposing the election results
3. Allow freedom of expression and association for those protesting the results of the elections in Iran
Sample Letter:
Your Excellency,
I am writing to you to express my concern over the use of violence by security forces responding to protests over the election results following the 12 June elections in Iran. Large numbers of people have been severely beaten by riot police on motorcycles who wield truncheons and night sticks. Furthermore, up to five students at Tehran University were reportedly shot dead on Sunday 14 June and another person was reportedly shot when security agents opened fire on a demonstration on behalf of Mir Hossein Mousavi on 15 June. Several other people were injured by gunfire.
I am also concerned that at least 170 people have been detained by authorities since 12 June, including the brother of former President Mohammad Khatami. Furthermore, the Iranian authorities have attempted to prevent the flow of information by blocking cell phone, text messaging, email and web sites.
I urge you to insure that security agents will exercise restraint in the use of lethal force to respond to protests, and to refrain from beating people for exercising their right to freedom of expression and association. I also urge that those detained for peacefully expressing their opposition to the election results be released. I finally urge you not to restrict the right to freedom of expression and association, by permitting peaceful public protests and by not interfering with communications.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Solution (3)
People Power
People Power
"The Iranian presidential election of June 2009 will go down in history as one of the most magnificent manifestations of a people's indomitable will to achieve enduring democratic institutions."
"The Iranian presidential election of June 2009 will go down in history as one of the most magnificent manifestations of a people's indomitable will to achieve enduring democratic institutions."
Iranian Filmmakers Statement
سی تن از سرشناسترین سینماگران ایرانی با انتشار یک بیانیه خطاب به دولتمران
ایرانی اندوه و نگرانی خود را از «اعمال زور و فشارعلیه مردم » ابراز کردند.
در ابتدای این بیانیه نوشته شده است: «چرا باید اقتدار نظامی را جای اقتدار
منطق نشاند، آن هم در برابر مردمی كه بخش عمده آنها نسلی است كه همین جا و در
همین سه دهه به دنیا آمدهاند و اندیشههایشان نتیجه منطقی ِ مشاهده و تجربه های
رویدادهای همین ۳۰ سال است و هیچ تهمتی به آنها نمیچسبد .»
در ادامه این بیانیه آمده است: « آیا مردم تا لحظهای كه رای دادند شریف و
قهرمان و حماسه آفرین بودند و به محض اینكه در نتیجه رای اعلام شده شک كردند
آشوبگر اوباش و بیگانه پرست و خاشاکاند و سزاوار توهین و یورش و خونریزی و
امضاءکنندگان این بیانیه از تکرار تجربههای تاریخی و تلخ جنگهای محلهای و خانگی
ابراز نگرانی کردند و خواستار اعلام نتایج واقعی انتخابات شده اند.
همچنین این هنرمندان در این بیانیه به دولتمران هشدار داده اند که: « محض
قدرتنمایی مردم را به جان هم نیندازیم و تیرهبختی كسانی كه در همین كشورهای
همسایه ما قربانی جنگهای داخلی خانگیاند را به این سرزمین نكشانید كه مسلماً
كسی جز دشمن ایران از آن بهره نمیبرد.»
شهرام اسدی ، محسن امیر یوسفی، عزت الله انتظامی، رخشان بنی اعتماد، بهرام
بیضایی، كامبوزیا پرتوی، جعفرپناهی، كیومرث پوراحمد، حسن پورشیرازی، ناصر
تقوایی، فرشته طائرپور، مانی حقیقی، سیف الله داد، محمد رسول اوف ، علیرضا
رئیسیان، خسرو سینایی ، مژده شمسایی، ترانه علیدوستی، حسن فتحی، ایرج كریمی،
نیكی كریمی، حمید فرخ نژاد، اصغر فرهادی، بهمن قبادی، عباس كیارستمی، پرویز
كیمیاوی، محسن مخملباف، فاطمه معتمدآریا، علی نصیریان و جهانبخش نورایی
امضاءکنندگان این بیانیه هستند.
ایرانی اندوه و نگرانی خود را از «اعمال زور و فشارعلیه مردم » ابراز کردند.
در ابتدای این بیانیه نوشته شده است: «چرا باید اقتدار نظامی را جای اقتدار
منطق نشاند، آن هم در برابر مردمی كه بخش عمده آنها نسلی است كه همین جا و در
همین سه دهه به دنیا آمدهاند و اندیشههایشان نتیجه منطقی ِ مشاهده و تجربه های
رویدادهای همین ۳۰ سال است و هیچ تهمتی به آنها نمیچسبد .»
در ادامه این بیانیه آمده است: « آیا مردم تا لحظهای كه رای دادند شریف و
قهرمان و حماسه آفرین بودند و به محض اینكه در نتیجه رای اعلام شده شک كردند
آشوبگر اوباش و بیگانه پرست و خاشاکاند و سزاوار توهین و یورش و خونریزی و
امضاءکنندگان این بیانیه از تکرار تجربههای تاریخی و تلخ جنگهای محلهای و خانگی
ابراز نگرانی کردند و خواستار اعلام نتایج واقعی انتخابات شده اند.
همچنین این هنرمندان در این بیانیه به دولتمران هشدار داده اند که: « محض
قدرتنمایی مردم را به جان هم نیندازیم و تیرهبختی كسانی كه در همین كشورهای
همسایه ما قربانی جنگهای داخلی خانگیاند را به این سرزمین نكشانید كه مسلماً
كسی جز دشمن ایران از آن بهره نمیبرد.»
شهرام اسدی ، محسن امیر یوسفی، عزت الله انتظامی، رخشان بنی اعتماد، بهرام
بیضایی، كامبوزیا پرتوی، جعفرپناهی، كیومرث پوراحمد، حسن پورشیرازی، ناصر
تقوایی، فرشته طائرپور، مانی حقیقی، سیف الله داد، محمد رسول اوف ، علیرضا
رئیسیان، خسرو سینایی ، مژده شمسایی، ترانه علیدوستی، حسن فتحی، ایرج كریمی،
نیكی كریمی، حمید فرخ نژاد، اصغر فرهادی، بهمن قبادی، عباس كیارستمی، پرویز
كیمیاوی، محسن مخملباف، فاطمه معتمدآریا، علی نصیریان و جهانبخش نورایی
امضاءکنندگان این بیانیه هستند.
The Solution (2)
Belle of Writes writes:
I hope
"It may be too late, but what I hope for is a beginning for reconciliation in Iran. That has to begin with Khamenei. As an arbiter, Khamenei has the power to address people's grievances and institute changes in laws impacting civil liberties -everything from free speech to the archaic dress code.
I also hope for international help. I think the international community is the greatest agent of positive change within Iran, but not in the meddling sense of isolating the country and feeding the opposition groups. Iranians have been cornered, crippled, and threatened with war and economic sanctions for too long. What helps the people of Iran is not more of the same but opening channels of communications for cultural and economic exchange with the rest of the world."
I hope
"It may be too late, but what I hope for is a beginning for reconciliation in Iran. That has to begin with Khamenei. As an arbiter, Khamenei has the power to address people's grievances and institute changes in laws impacting civil liberties -everything from free speech to the archaic dress code.
I also hope for international help. I think the international community is the greatest agent of positive change within Iran, but not in the meddling sense of isolating the country and feeding the opposition groups. Iranians have been cornered, crippled, and threatened with war and economic sanctions for too long. What helps the people of Iran is not more of the same but opening channels of communications for cultural and economic exchange with the rest of the world."
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Solution (1)
To find the solution for Iran, read Caucasian Chalk Circle!
Do not put the child in the circle...Do not pull the child's hands harshly...Do not tear him apart...Wolves are all around the circle!
The main action of Caucasian Chalk Circle the play by Bertlt Brecht consists of a parable that is performed to celebrate the decision in the dispute. The parable, set during a feudal insurrection in the 13th century, concerns the struggle of two women over the custody of a child. The dispute between the governor's wife, who abandoned the child, and the young servant who saved the child and cared for him is settled by an eccentric judge who places the child in a chalk circle and declares that whichever woman can pull him from the circle will be granted custody. When the servant, not wanting to harm the child, lets the governor's wife have him, she is awarded the child, having demonstrated greater love than the natural mother.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Crackdown in Iran
Listen to Christopher Dickey the European based Journalist and Roya Hakakian an author and activist in Fresh Air.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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