Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fred Camper's art work

Fred Camper is a Chicagoan artist, a writer and lecturer on film, art, and photography.
In his most recent art, he is working with portrait images, photos of his friends and then modify using some of the same techniques that he has used in Quarries.
He explains: "For the "Figmented-G" diptychs in both groups, I divide the original image into a grid, then rearrange the cells with a careful intentionality in the smaller panel, sometimes into highly "artificial" patterns. This rearranged grid is repeated in the larger panel with varying reductions in resolution. I hope that in these Likenesses, some of the ambiguities and complexities of what we mean by "human" are both revealed and questioned.

This Friday, October 15, 6 PM to 10 PM; Saturday, October 16, 12 noon to 9 PM; Sunday, October 17, 1 PM to 5 PM, he has an exhibition of his innovative photographs at his studios at 1200 West 35th Street, Chicago, Illinois.

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